Smart Cooktop For Tasty
Tasty, the pioneer of the top-down cooking videos and largest content creator on Facebook, partnered with Friends of to create physical products to diversify revenue outside of their traditional branded content and advertising.
The One Top is a smart induction cooker that can be used in conjunction with the Tasty app to guide you through preparing Tasty recipes while also automatically adjusting its heat and notifying you when your goal temperature is reached for the dish you’re working on.
With over 100 million viewers per day, Tasty informs culinary product choices for a new generation of shoppers. We designed the One Top to be visually appealing, both on and off camera, while enhancing the overall product quality and its features.
Friends of not only designed the look and feel of the product, but also the digital experience. Managing the software and app development enabled us to create a holistic product experience. We worked hand in hand with the Tasty chefs to ensure the hardware would meet all of their needs so they can cook, develop recipes, and publish content better than ever before.
With over 100 million viewers per day, Tasty informs culinary product choices of a new generation of shoppers. We designed the One Top to be visually appealing on camera and off without sacrificing hardware or product features.
Photography and video by Spry + Mighty